Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Making Time For Mom?: Children's Books with A Message


Making Time For Mom?: Children's Books with A Message: I was given a wonderful opportunity to review two fabulous books with wonderful messages- anti bullying and finding happiness.  The day...

Children's Books with A Message

I was given a wonderful opportunity to review two fabulous books with wonderful messages- anti bullying and finding happiness. 

The day I received the books in the mail I had to work at the real estate office and I just happened to bring my oldest with me. She was eager to open them up and begin reading right away. Not only did the colorful illustrations capture her but the story as well.
She read the first Book- The Last Bully- Hugo The Happy Starfish by Suzy Lieberman.

Hugo is a little starfish and so it’s not surprising that in this story he comes across several bigger fish in the ocean. Unfortunately, they are big fish bullies! After witnessing his friend getting bullied, Hugo decides enough is enough. He forms the Anti-Bully Club (A-B-C) and teaches the bullies a valuable lesson about respect.

By working together as a group, Hugo and his friends manage to show the bullies that there is always a bigger fish in the sea and that happiness comes from respecting others not bullying them.

THE LAST BULLY is great tale to teach a lesson about one of the biggest problems children face today (especially bullying in schools), and how to respect one another.

My daughter immediately wanted to start an anti-bully club at her school, which I think is absolutely fabulous and I encourage it 100%.

The second book- Hugo the Happy Starfish- The Secret to Happiness, made me chuckle as I watched her read it. On many of the illustrations Hugo is sad or upset on his search for happiness and his expression really upset my daughter. I had to tell her that's what she looks like when she's not happy so she better keep a smile on her face!

In this book, Hugo is a little starfish. He finds his life dull. Tired of feeling sad, one day he sets off to find happiness. After much searching, he discovers something that makes his heart do a somersault! Sharing with others is the only thing that makes him truly happy; all other things just made him feel better for a little while.

Adults strive to teach children to share within their communities. Encouraging children to give teaches them empathy, as well as a sense of social responsibility. Children can feel empowered by giving and sharing with others.

Believing that happiness can be learned, feelings can be understood and that building character based on a positive attitude leads to happy, content, self-confident and successful human beings, Suzy Liebermann has created this exciting series of charming books about HUGO THE HAPPY STARFISH.
The series of books on character education aims to help educate children about their feelings, their attitude, their choices and the consequences that follow and includes an introduction to the Spanish language, lessons of character, ecological alertness and life skills—all amid a backdrop of a colourful island and mystical underwater world.

The first and second book of HUGO THE HAPPY STARFISH is an
Award-Winning Finalist in the CHILRDEN’S MIND/ BODY/ SPIRIT category of the USA “Best Books 2011” and "Best Books 2012" Awards.

The key theme behind the HUGO THE HAPPY STARFISH series is that building character based on a positive attitude leads to a happy, self-confident and successful human being. I have written this exciting series of children’s books to help educate children about their feelings, their attitude, their choices, and the consequences that follow.

In Hugo, children, parents, and educators will discover a lovable and engaging role model with whom they can identify. Each book offers a themed vocabulary to introduce the Spanish language (books also available in 7 other languages!) to the reader. Each book also comes with a number of worksheets which are downloadable at no cost on their website.

This program is particularly aligned with the aims and values she upheld as a teacher of cultural art and foreign language at a prestigious International Baccalaureate World School.

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